Why Choose Invisalign to Straighten My Smile

When you need help straightening your smile, you might not want everyone to know about it. When seeking cosmetic dental services as an adult, particularly, you don’t want to wear braces and look like a teenager. Invisalign offers a discreet alternative to metal braces. They are clear, and once you put them on, virtually no one will know.


Besides the benefit of discreetness, here are other reasons for choosing Invisalign:

1. The Outcome Is Beautiful


When it comes to straightening teeth, Invisalign does an excellent job. It helps with a multitude of conditions, just like regular braces. Get Invisalign for an underbite, overbite, overcrowding, and gaps between the teeth. Depending on your condition, your cosmetic dentist in New Hartford, NY fits you with retainers, and they gradually adjust the teeth. In the end, you enjoy improved functionality and aesthetics.


2. There Are No Dietary Restrictions


Unlike traditional braces, with Invisalign, you can eat whatever you like. You may chew on both crunchy and sticky food items without worry.


3. The Results Come Quick


Invisalign produces the required results in so little time. They need at least eight weeks to straighten crooked teeth. Straightening teeth only requires six months, at least. The length of time it takes to achieve your desired smile depends on the number of teeth that must rotate or shift. Metal braces, however, begin to show results upwards of two years.


4. Invisalign Offers Great Protection


When straightening your smile, protection may not be first among your requirements. However, Invisalign offers excellent protection for your teeth. For example, if you were playing with friends in a field or there was an altercation, Invisalign can prevent cracking, chipping, or knocking out of teeth.


5. Invisalign Aligners Are Removable


You can remove the Invisalign aligners at any time. If you want to brush your teeth or have been wearing them for too long, you can pull them out. This is an added advantage because you must wear traditional braces at all times. But, when you remove Invisalign, only give yourself a short break. The longer they stay in your mouth, the quicker the results.


6. Does Not Compromise Oral Hygiene


The advantage of Invisalign being removable means that it’s easy to clean your mouth as a whole. You only have to remove the aligners, clean your teeth, brush the Invisalign aligners a little and place them back. In contrast, fixed braces make oral hygiene a little more of a challenge. They have tiny nooks and crannies that can trap bacteria and food particles.


7. Less Noticeable


Since Invisalign is almost invisible, people will not notice the aligners easily. Invisalign aligners do not have wires and brackets like regular braces. Also, they are custom-made to go with the idiosyncrasy of your mouth, giving you a perfect look and feel. Even if you laugh hard with your mouth wide open, nobody will know. So, whether in social gatherings or business meetings, you can talk, laugh, and eat freely.


8. Fewer Trips to the Orthodontist or Cosmetic Dentist in New Hartford, NY


Unlike conventional braces, you need fewer follow-up visits with Invisalign. You may still see your dentist for a checkup and cleaning. But, you are less likely to need readjustment, and complications are less likely to come up.


Invisalign aligners are the newer option to straight and brighter your smile. Get Invisalign Treatment at Reaves Dental in New Hartford, New York. You can call (315) 736-0139 to schedule a consultation. If you are a new patient, please use (315) 737-4134 to learn more about our invisalign services in New Hartford, NY.

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